Saturday, January 29, 2011

An Alternate Universe

It's about 28 F or -4 C here and sunny. A perfect winter day. I started the day off by attempting a drive up to Janie H. Knits in Perth. About 40 minutes north of Kingston, the sky clouded over, snow began to swirl, and within a few minutes I was in whiteout conditions. I pulled to the side of the road and phoned back to Bill in Kingston, where it was still windless and sunny. Must be something to do with Lake Ontario. Very weird that the weather could be so different just a little way north. It felt sort of like being in an alternate universe. After a moment of cogitation, I decided to head back to the land of sunshine. No wool is worth a road mishap.

After lunch I noticed that our squirrels (the ones who hate me for piling snow over the area where they've buried their winter treats) had eaten a perfect round hole in the plastic lid of our garbage bin, so I went downtown to Vandervoorts Hardware to buy a new one. Hope it lasts a little longer. Metal would be better, but the metal bins don't have wheels. Came back by the park near our house. You really know you're in Canada when this is what you see.

And this.

I saw these guys out removing icicles from the eaves.

The guy on the ladder suddenly shouted something I don't want to print. The one on the ground called up, "Did it hit you?" The answer, "This job really sucks!"